Tuesday 10 March 2015


Handwriting is a form of expressive movement - it is our movement frozen on paper. 
There are lots of ways that we observe how people express themselves. When we talk with someone on the telephone we not only listen to what the person is saying, we listen to how they are saying it: their tone, speed, inflection, emphasis, hesitations, loudness, and many other things. Some studies have shown that over 80% of verbal communication is how something is said, and so we have learned to listen to these signals. When we are talking with someone in person, again we not only listen to what they are saying, but how they are saying it. Additionally, we look at their body language. We notice how close they stand, if their arms are crossed, if their eyes are wandering, and so on.

When we look at handwriting, there is the message conveyed by what was written, but there is also a message in
 how the writing was done: what is the size, slant, pressure, speed, etc. Once you know the basics of handwriting analysis, the writing will reveal to you aspects of the personality of the writer. A personality quiz asks you questions about yourself to determine who you are, but for the handwriting analyst, there are not questions that need to be asked - you just look at the writing!
Basic Concepts for Analyzing Handwriting
• In school, we are all taught to write the same way. How we choose to vary our writing is a result of our individual and unique personalities.
• Different writing characteristics are called handwriting indicators or writing traits. Examples include writing size, slant, and pressure. No single indicator totally defines a person. The interpretations of all indicators must be considered together. However, a strong personality trait will show up again and again in a person's handwriting. 
• The more indicators you look at, the clearer your understanding of the writer will be. In this very basic course we look at three major indicators, and there are 11 in the Handwriting Insights Kit. A professional graphologist looks at hundreds of indicators.
• An ideal writing sample is written spontaneously in ink on unlined paper written with a pen, and signed and dated by the writer. But a sentence or two with a signature, or a signature alone, is enough for the purposes of this basic analysis. 
• A lot of handwriting analysis is common sense and basic correlation. People who dot their "i's" and cross their "t's" precisely tend to be more meticulous than those who don't. Stylish people often have stylish writing, and so on. A lot of what you'll learn in handwriting analysis won't surprise you at all. 
• Whereas handwriting represents how a person feels privately (their true personality), the person's signature represents the public image that the writer wants to project. Therefore, a big difference between a person's writing and their signature indicates a big the difference between their private and public self. When the writing and the signature are identical, then "what you see is what you get" and the person presents themself identical to how they feel inside. 
• This course applies to the handwriting of people 12 years and older. 

The size of the writing indicates the writer's desire to be noticed. 
The information below is directly taken from Handwriting Insights - here are what the different writing sizes indicate. 


By just knowing SIZE and knowing that a signature represents our "public image" and how we write represents how we feel privately, we can learn something about the writers of the examples below. 

a) Small writing with a Large signature 
This person is spending significant energy to overcome their private quiet nature and to be noticed. The gap in the size, from small writing to large signature, indicates a big difference between how this person feels inside (a more private personality) and how they present them self (a personality who gets attention).
b) Small writing with a small signature 
Often found in the writing of person with good concentration and possibly introverted. When I work with a person like this I make sure that I have all my facts in order to the last detail, because they pay attention to details.
c) Medium writing with Large Signature 
It is rather common for people to sign their name a little larger than they normally write, and this indicates putting a little effort out there to be noticed. 
A friend of mine was complaining that his girlfriend didn't like going out with groups of people as much as he did. He said that "she wasn't trying hard enough." We looked at his writing (very large, with a large middle zone which you will learn about later but indicates people interaction is a strength) and her writing (very small) and concluded that given her private more introverted nature it is a lot harder for her than for him to interact with groups of people.

The Slant of writing indicates the writer’s emotional interactions. The information below is directly taken from Handwriting Insights - here are what the different writing sizes indicate. 
Here are what the different slants of writing mean.
  Now, so far considering Slant and knowing that a signature represents our "public image" and how we write represents how we feel privately, lets apply this to a few cases.
a) Left slant writing with a right slant signature 
This person is privately a more reserved person, but they are giving the appearance of being more socially outgoing. You can be sure that inside they are carefully not nearly as spontaneous and outgoing as they appear.

b) Strong right slant on writing with a vertical slant on the signature 
This person has an intense personality, but they give the appearance of being more analytical and reserved. They have learned to control their intense nature in the public eye. As you get to know the person better, you would get to see this other side of them.

c) Small vertical writing with large, right slant signature 
Here the writer has an analytical mind with attention to detail, and is presenting an image of a commanding presence and interpersonal skills. Although this person appears to be outgoing and socially very comfortable, inside they are feeling more reserved and private.

See how easy it is to combine the traits to understand people better. Remember, we are only looking at a few traits, and there may be other aspects of the writing that contradicts it. Each trait is a piece of the puzzle. 
Now let's think about what it means if your slant and the slant of a friend of yours differs. 
a) Your slant is strong right, and your friend is strong left
Be careful, as you plow ahead on things, that you take a little extra time to check in with your friend and see that they really agree. Understand that even though they may not react on the surface to something with the intensity that you do, it does not mean they do not feel it deeply inside.

b) Your slant is right, and your friend is vertical
If you are making a decision keep in mind that right slanted writers tend to me more impulsive, and that the vertical writer may need a little extra information to satisfy their analytical nature.

An important factor in judging the writer's emotional stability and disposition is the baseline of the writing. The baseline is the actual line upon which letters are written. On unlined paper, the baseline is assumed by the writer. However, even on lined paper the writer does not always adhere to the line provided. The baseline changes based on the immediate mood of the writer and can vary from day to day or moment to moment. Because of this, any interpretation derived from baseline should be prefaced by the phrase "at this time". In the Handwriting Insights slide deck there are 10 different variations covered. These are the four most common baselines.

Here are what the different baselines indicate.

Remember, when the writing matches the signature (in slant, size, baseline, etc.) then "what you see is what you get." Now, considering that the writing represents how we feel privately, and our signature is our public image, let's look at some examples where the baseline of the writing does not match the baseline of the signature.
a) Descending baseline on writing, ascending baseline on signature
This is something that I bet you will see surprisingly often. It indicates that the writer is acting upbeat while inside they are feeling overwhelmed, tired, or pessimistic. Most of us want to put on a good face for the world to see. It is nice that the writer gives us this clue that they may need more support and encouragement.

b) Normally Straight baseline on writing, ascending baseline on signature
Again, you will see this fairly often. It indicates that the writer is fine, however they choose to act even more upbeat than they feel inside.

Handwriting Insights is a high quality deck of 64 connected, illustrated cards that teaches you handwriting analysis as you use it. Analyze handwriting in 5 minutes. Results are worded constructively so people feel good about what you have to say.page5_7page5_8 

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